丙烷气体侦测器 GD-01
-气体泄漏发出 警报及闪烁颢示功能。
-检测气体:LPG.LNG.瓦斯气体 .CH4, CH10, H2, C2H2, C2H4等可燃性气体。
1.5V x 2ea (AA Size)
LPG, LNG, TOWN Gas etc
Red: 0 ~ 2000 ppm
-20℃~ 50℃
警报灯(黄灯) , 蜂鸣器(声音) , DC1.2V输出
认 证
尺 寸
188 (mm)长*30 (mm)宽
重 量
112克 產品規格 Portable Gas Detector:GD-01 型 錄
This portable gas Detector has been developed the purpose of detecting gas leaks from a gas line or gas equipment(heaters, boilers, etc...)instead of general alarm devices using soap bubbles.How to use this Gas Detector
1.Push the power switch to the position ON in order to supply electric power for a detector.
2.The red lamp lights up with buzzer sound continuously for a few seconds.
3.Several seconds later, the red lamp and buzzer sound go out automatically.And then the green lamp lights up.lt means detector is ready to detect gas leakage.
4.in order to detect a gas leakage, please keep it close to the suspected parts of a gas equipment or, gas pipe line for about 5 seconds.
5.lf the sensor detects any gas leakage, the red lamp lights up with buzzer sound with no hesitation.lf not, these won't react.
Battery replacement
1.lf the red lamp lights up continuously with buzzer sound under the fresh air condition without break, it indicates low battery state.
2.ln order to open battery cap, turn it to the counter-clockwise.
3.And then insert 2 batteries into the detector boby with anode(+) facing to inner part of body.
4.ln case of wrong battery direction, detector will not operate.Cautions
1.As the unit is made of seversl sensitive electrical circuits, handle with care. Don't blow into the sensor or allow the unit to getwet.
2.lf you are not going to use the unit for some time, remove the batteries.Warranty lntomation
We warrant that the enclosed portable detector, excluding battery, is free from detect in materials and workmanship under normal portable use and service for a period one(1)year from the date of purchase.
During this 1 year period.our liability hereunder is limited to replacement of the product. The warranty is void if the product has been damaged by accident,
unreasonable use, neglect, tampering or other causes not arising from defects in material or workmanship and extends to the orginal consumerof the product only.Do not disable the alarm.How to test your Gas Detector
Get a gas lighter close to the sensor.lf the red LED lights and the buzzer sounds this indcates hormal operation of detector.Specifications
Potable gas detector GD-01
functions:Detection of gas leaks static-electricity
Electric Power:DC 200mA
Battery size:1.5V x 2ea (AA Size)
Detectable gases:LNG, LPG(including methane and butane gas)
Temperature:23~122 F(-10~50 C)
Humidity:95% RH or lower
Duration:About 5 hours continuous use
Weight:1.4oz(40g)without batteries