LC Lamp Displays [LC Series]
The Series LC Lamp Cabinets provide maximum flexibility in terms of future expansion in the field, intermix of window size and lamp test capabilities. The models feature plug-in modules with four different window sizes, diode gated lamp test for DC voltage application, and relay type for all AC voltages.
Cabinet Size: Any number of windows high and wide.
Bezel Sizes: 3.5"H X 3.5"W (LC1000), 1.75"H X 3.5"W (LC2000), 1.16"H X 3.5"W (LC3000), 1.75"H X 1.75"W (LC4000).
Window Sizes: 2.75"H X 3.0"W (LC1000), 1.4"H X 3.0"W (LC2000), 0.86"H X 3.0"W (LC3000), 1.4"H X 1.4"W (LC4000).
Standard Voltages: 24Vdc, 48Vdc, 125Vdc, 24Vac, 48Vac, 115Vac.
Lamp Wattage: Two each 2-Watt lamps per window except LCP-4 which has one 2-Watt lamp, 125 Vdc and 115 Vac models have 3-Watt lamps.
Expandability: Specify the cabinet for the maximum number of windows desired in the future, e.g. and LC-4000 accepts LCP-41, LCP-4, LCP-3, LCP-2, and LCP-1.
Intermixability: Any plug-in module up to the maximum window number per cabinet module specified.
Lenses: Sandwich type available.
Related Support Material : LC Lamp Displays Key: [L] = Registration Required - [R] = Reps Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||