
MAVOWATT 45的分析软件
(Analysis Software for MAVOWATT 45)
METRAwin 45
MAVOWATT 45的分析软件 (Analysis Software for MAVOWATT 45) |
METRAwin 45 视窗软件提供在PC机上读出,显示和处理来自 MAVOWATT45测量数据的功能。
(METRAwin 45 WINDOWS software provides for read-out, representation and processing of measurement data from the MAVOWATT 45 at a PC.)
Data transmission can be accomplished either online (except for FFT/PDA measurements), from the memory adapter via the RS232 interface or via modem.
Measurement data can be represented, printed out or exported to other WINDOWS programs numerically in tabular form, graphically as a Yt graph or as an FFT frequency spectrum.
Limit values from various standards, or individually defined limit values, can be displayed in the representation of FFT measurements, as well as characteristic curves for voltage and current signals.
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