磁翻板液位计MicroSENSOR ML5300SS0E3500SXA
磁翻板液位计MicroSENSOR ML5300SSE3500SXA(防腐内衬UPVC型)
●Model:MicroSENSOR ML5300…P (UPVC)
MicroSENSOR ML5300…A (ABS)
MicroSENSOR ML5300…J (PP)
Range: 0.3~5.5m
Operating pressure: ≤1.0MPa
Operating temperature: -20℃~+60℃
Chamber Material: UPVC, PP, ABS (Optional)
Float Material: UPVC, PP, ABS (Optional)
The float chamber is basically a column of 2-1/2 inch pipe with process connections to match those of the storage tank, reactor, or other equipment where level is to be measured. These connections may be side couplings or flanges, or top and bottom flanges.
The magnetic float moves up and down inside the chamber as the process level changes. Float type is determined by the process fluid, light enough to maintain buoyancy and have properties that allow it to withstand the temperature and pressure combination.
Contained inside the sealed float is a 360 deg. magnet assembly. The indicator tube and scale assembly are attached to the float chamber (standard scale is in feet and inches). The indicator tube is available in polycarbonate or glass (temperature limit on polycarbonate is 250 deg. F).
Principle of Operation:
Inside the indicator tube is a lightweight magnetized indicator or series of metallic flags. The indicator is magnetically coupled to the float and moves up and down with the liquid level. The indicator allows the operator to read the level from more than 100 feet away. The only moving parts are the float and the indicator.
Material: All wetted parts and external metal parts are stainless steel.Indicator tube is glass or polycarbonate.
Float Chamber: 2-1/2 inch pipe with RF slip-on/blind drain flange (standard)
Indicators: 7/8 inch diameter by 1-1/4 inch long, brightly colored flourescent red follower or the optional Bi-colored Flag "Flipper" Style indicator.
Continuous Scale: Feet and inches standard with 1/2 inch scale divisions, or metric; resolution approximately 1/4 inch (Custom scales also available)
Pressure Rating: Up to 4000 psig (275.8 bar)
Minimum Specific Gravity: 0.25
Temperature Rating: -200 to +1100 deg. F (-128.9 C to +593.3 C)
Note: All LG-Series gages are hydrostatic tested to 1.5x the pressure rating.
磁翻板液位计MicroSENSOR ML5300SS0E3500SXA
磁翻板液位计MicroSENSOR ML5300SS0E3500SXA
磁翻板液位计MicroSENSOR ML5300SS0E3500SXA