  • 产品名称:35EE 便携式Meri-Cal 数字式压力计/校准

  • 产品型号:M400
  • 产品厂商:美亚 Meriam
  • 产品价格:0
  • 折扣价格:0
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The Meri-Cal is a portable digital manometer/calibrator for pressure and differential pressure measurement. It features high accuracy and rugged design which brings laboratory test and calibration cap

Meri-Cal Portable Digital Manometer / Calibrator

Model 35EE
The Meri-Cal is a portable digital manometer/calibrator for pressure and differential pressure measurement. It features high accuracy and rugged design which brings laboratory test and calibration capability to the field.  Meri-Cal’s display simultaneously indicates pressure (or differential pressure) and electronic transducer/transmitter output in any of 8 key selectable engineering units. Meri-Cal continues to be the most cost effective and useful method of precise measurements.  Meri-Cal is available with CSA certification for intrinsic safety for use in Class I,
Groups A, B, C and D areas.

Merical Model 35EE Features

Engineering Units
In H2O at 20°C, cm H2O, PSI, in Hg at 0°C, mm Hg, Kg/cm2, kPa, mBar and user scaled.

Rugged Design
The case is made of impact resistant, injection molded ABS material. The keyboard is a sealed membrane type having a chemical resistant polyester surface with tactile feedback type keys. Internal components have a protective
conformal coating.

The Meri-Cal may be used for test measurement of pressure or differential pressure and as a calibrator for mechanical recorders, gauges, pneumatic controls and electronic transducers and transmitters.

Auto Zero
A push of a button automatically establishes zero. There is no need to compute compensation factors for local gravity, temperature or head difference due to the location of the tester versus the unit under test.

Ordering Information
LP200I and DP200I                      200” H2O (500 mbar)
LP2000I and DP2000I                  2000” H2O (5.0 bar)

All Models
Voltage: 0 to 30 Vdc   
Current: 0 to 30 mAdc

LP models measure gauge pressure only. DP models can be used to measure differential pressure, gauge pressure and vacuum


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