
Pneumatic signal conditioning provides control circuit design flexibility
Powder coating provides improved corrosion resistance
Features & Benefits
Pneumatic signal conditioning provides control circuit design flexibility
Powder coating provides improved corrosion resistance
The Model 66 Amplifying and Reducing Relays are used to increase or decrease control-circuit pressure signals.
Its input pressure, acting upon the effective area of the top diaphragm, produces a force that is balanced by the force produced by the output pressure applied over the effective area of the lower diaphragm. Any imbalance in these opposing forces will operate the plunger, increasing or decreasing air supply to the output chamber. (The amplifying or reducing ratio is fixed by the ratio of input-to-output diaphragm areas.)
An increase in input opens the pilot valve to admit supply air directly to the output. A decrease in input opens the exhaust port to exhaust air from the output.
Function Specifications
Supply Pressure:Normal: 20 psig (140 kPa)
Maximum: 80 psig (550 kPa)
Minimum: 1 psi (7 kPa) above maximum required output
Range Limits:80 psig max. for input or output - whichever limits
Overrange Limits:100 psig (690 kPa) at any connection
Maximum Output Pressure:Within 0.1 psi (0.7 kPa) of supply
Minimum Output Pressure:Less than 0.4 psig (3 kPa) with zero output
Ratio Accuracy:Within 1% of normal ratio
Linearity:±1% of output span
Reproducibility:Within 0.02 psi (0.15 kPa)
Operating Temperature:-40 to 180°F (-40 to 82°C)
Performance Specifications
Response Level:0.2" H2O (5 mm H2O)
Zero Error:66BA6: ±0.36 psi (2.5 kPa)
All Others: ±0.24 (1.5 kPa)
Flow Capacity:2.2 scfm minimum
Air Consumption:0.12 scfm maximum
Mechanical Specifications
Materials of Construction:Brass, aluminum, stainless steel, and Neoprene
Pneumatic signal conditioning provides control circuit design flexibility
Powder coating provides improved corrosion resistance
The Model 66 Amplifying and Reducing Relays are used to increase or decrease control-circuit pressure signals.
Its input pressure, acting upon the effective area of the top diaphragm, produces a force that is balanced by the force produced by the output pressure applied over the effective area of the lower diaphragm. Any imbalance in these opposing forces will operate the plunger, increasing or decreasing air supply to the output chamber. (The amplifying or reducing ratio is fixed by the ratio of input-to-output diaphragm areas.)
An increase in input opens the pilot valve to admit supply air directly to the output. A decrease in input opens the exhaust port to exhaust air from the output.
Function Specifications
Supply Pressure:Normal: 20 psig (140 kPa)
Maximum: 80 psig (550 kPa)
Minimum: 1 psi (7 kPa) above maximum required output
Range Limits:80 psig max. for input or output - whichever limits
Overrange Limits:100 psig (690 kPa) at any connection
Maximum Output Pressure:Within 0.1 psi (0.7 kPa) of supply
Minimum Output Pressure:Less than 0.4 psig (3 kPa) with zero output
Ratio Accuracy:Within 1% of normal ratio
Linearity:±1% of output span
Reproducibility:Within 0.02 psi (0.15 kPa)
Operating Temperature:-40 to 180°F (-40 to 82°C)
Performance Specifications
Response Level:0.2" H2O (5 mm H2O)
Zero Error:66BA6: ±0.36 psi (2.5 kPa)
All Others: ±0.24 (1.5 kPa)
Flow Capacity:2.2 scfm minimum
Air Consumption:0.12 scfm maximum
Mechanical Specifications
Materials of Construction:Brass, aluminum, stainless steel, and Neoprene