
• Bright LED Status Indicators with100,000 Hour Operating Life (Red - Green - Amber)
• Compatible with Other Protective Equipment (Electro-Mechanical or Electronic)
• Single Module Concept - Compat
1. Breaker Open (green) LED: Indicates the physical state of the breaker (either open or close). In addition this LED provides visual indication of which device caused the trip signal for the breaker. A steady "ON" LED indicates a trip signal from any pro- tective relay device, a rapid flashing LED indicates a trip signal from SCADA, and a slow flashing LED indicates a trip signal from the manual control switch located in the CIM unit
2. Trip Coil Monitor (red) LED: Indicates the continuity (tests for an open circuit) of the breaker trip coil. The CIM electronics continuously check the continuity of either a single, dual, or ganged single trip coils (a field programmable dipswitch located within the CIM selects what type of breaker coil is to be monitored). If the LED is “ON” the coil is satis- factory. If the LED is “OFF” the coil has failed
3. Reclose Out (amber) LED: Indicates the state of operation of the external reclose relay. If the LED is “ON” the relcose relay is disabled. If the LED is “OFF” the reclose relay is enabled
4. SCADA Out (amber) LED: Indicates the state of operation of the external interface to the SCADA system. If the LED is “ON” the SCADA interface is disabled. If the LED is “OFF” the SCADA interface is active